Mount Litera Zee School
+917077711695 / +917077711697

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    why MLZS?

    MLZS is a part of Zee Learn Ltd., one of the top educational institutions in India, which is supported by the strength of the Essel group and the powerful brand Zee Network. The availability of Kidzee preschools nearby that serve as a feeder for MLZS enrollments is one of the main factors contributing to the success of MLZS schools. With more than 130 schools spread across India, MLZS is currently one of the fastest expanding school networks in the nation. The best-in-class child-centric learning system, termed Litera Octave, has been developed by MLZS with years of dedicated research by its Child Development Experts, and it helps students achieve better practical results in school.

    • A tested business model and the capacity to command high fees.
    • Supports enrollment growth through marketing; offers tried-and-true books, magazines, and other learning materials.
    • Assistance with interior design and infrastructural development.
    • On-going updates on new innovations in education
      specific critical accounts manager at your disposal to address all of your concerns.
    • A smaller setup fee because of the group’s overall size.

    Advantages of Being a part of MLZS Family

    The Essel Group’s Mount Litera Zee School is an initiative under the direction of Shri Subhash Chandra to develop leaders for the twenty-first century through its educational division, Zee Learn Limited. Since 1994, Zee Learn Limited has been at the forefront of innovation in Indian education. With the ZED TV, Zed Career Academies, Kidzee Pre-schools, Mount Litera Zee School, and Zee Institutes of Media Art and Creative Art, we made a number of firsts in the nation. The development of one’s sense of self and worldview during the school years is confirmed by studies on human development and brain science.. It was essential that we implement educational innovations if we were to realise our aim of enhancing human capital in India. Our effort in that direction has been Mount Litera Zee School (MLZS).

    Our mission

    To cultivate world citizens on Indian soil: To do this, the school will provide every student with access to top-notch facilities and a cutting-edge curriculum that encourages a child's holistic development while instilling traditional values.

    Our Principles

    What's Right for the Child is our guiding idea in everything we do at Mount Litera Zee School (WRFC). We filter all of our decisions and deeds via that phrase. The WRFC provides unwavering attention to the child's growth and development and assists us in keeping the child at the centre of everything we do.


    The children are distinct persons, not just a collection of numbers.

    Each kid has a different brain network that influences how she takes in and reacts to things. Every student responds to instruction differently. Instead than forcing kids to learn the way we teach, we need to educate them how they learn best.

    Each child’s brain network is different, which affects how she processes information and reacts to stimuli. Not all students respond well to a certain teaching strategy. Instead than making kids learn the way we want them to, we need to teach them how to learn.


    Each youngster is gifted. The talent is there; schools just need to identify it.


    The purpose of a school is to help students grow as full people, not only to finish the curriculum.

    A school is not a production line for textbooks and tests. Schools support young people in finding purpose in life and growing into capable adults. As a result, education must go beyond the classroom to include teaching students values, morals, and habits.

    For children to experience a seamless learning environment between school and home, schools need to enrol and educate parents.


    Partnership between parents and schools is essential for holistic development.

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    Mount Litera Zee School