Attendance Policy
One cannot overstate the value of persistent and regular attendance in school. Academically, students who are anxious about their presence in class perform better. The child’s academic progress is hampered by absenteeism. Lessons are continued in accordance with the teacher’s planning, and incomplete understanding of subjects covered in class is the result.
Little ones are totally dependent on their parents. If it is discovered that they frequently miss school, only the parents will be held responsible. Older kids might skip school without their parents’ knowledge. In these situations, the school will inform the parent of any irregularities. We appreciate fast remedial action being taken to prevent skipping class from becoming a habit. Older pupils are expected to be more accountable for their academic performance.
Since we put your child’s safety first, it is critical that the class instructor be informed of any absences. There are times when youngsters can leave their homes unnoticed, travel somewhere else, and spend class time with strangers. Since they might be deceived and exposed to damaging addictions, this is cause for concern. It will demonstrate vigilance in this regard to talk to the child about school, academic requirements, extracurricular activities, and academic performance. By routinely visiting parent-teacher conferences and contacting teachers via the school’s website, you can get feedback on your child.
The absence of kids from class on regularly scheduled working days is taken extremely seriously by the school. We value parental assistance in making sure all students arrive to school frequently and on time. Latecomers won’t be permitted to enter the building. The student will be marked absent from class and parents will be contacted.
In the event that a student has an essential family event, they must request permission in writing before missing class. It is best to keep family gatherings to the weekends or during school breaks. The student’s holiday list is provided at the start of class.
An application for absence must be brought by the student the day they return to class in the event of illness, death, or other unforeseeable circumstances. To prove a medical leave, you must provide a doctor’s certificate of medical leave.
Many pupils are discovered to be consistently absent prior to or during exams, during school trips, School Sports Day, picnics, etc. In these situations, the school forbids absences. The obligations of their courses can be met by students who submit their work on time. All students are expected to participate in activities because they constitute a regular component of the academic programme at their schools.
Many motivated pupils choose to attend special lessons throughout the school day. Parents are urged to make sure that these classes don’t conflict with school. Students who are caught skipping class, whether it’s for fun or to attend another course, risk being suspended or expelled from school.